Horoscope for Cancer 2020

More than any other sign, you’re under Luna’s spell. And this year, Cancer, she’s serving up a double dose of moon magic. ...

Horoscope for Sagittarius 2020

The horoscope 2020 readings suggest that this year is expected to be very auspicious for the people of Sagittarius, because at the beginnin

Horoscope for Pisces 2020

Where do other people end, Pisces, and where do you begin? ...

Horoscope for Leo 2020

Work hard, play harder—Leo, that’s your secret for getting the most out of life. And with Mars burning through your fellow fire signs this

China Launches Mars Probe

China and US are taking advantage of a period when Earth and Mars are favourably aligned for a short journey. ...

The Secret Garden Review: A Pretty Place To Escape

Recent films like Greta Gerwig’s Little Women and Autumn de Wilde’s Emma from earlier this year set a new precedent for

iPhone 11

The iPhone 11 is something of a surprise - it brings more advanced technology (namely in the camera capabilities and the processing power u

The 3 Most Stubborn Zodiac Signs

While everyone can be stubborn at times, there are three classically stubborn zodiac signs that are particularly well-known for t

Frozen Moscato Margaritas

Wine lovers will appreciate these moscato margarita slushies. Don't worry, their pretty hue doesn't come from food coloring.  It's blue cu